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Kate Smeland Knudsen Sales Manager Ferry

Kate Smeland Knudsen Sales Manager Ferry

Sales & Marketing
Sales Manager Ferry

Kate is an experienced manager with a background from the Oil & Gas sector and a leading electronics manufacturing services group. With many years’ success managing teams and projects to achieve improved results and reach goals, Kate joined Telenor Maritime in 2018 as our Sales Manager Ferry. Her multidisciplinary, global expertise covering a wide range of processes from sales planning to product delivery, as well as aftermarket services are a perfect match for her role at Telenor Maritime. Working in close collaboration with several of Europe’s leading ferry fleets, Kate is up-to-date on current trends and technology innovations.

For information on our products and services, or an informal chat about our business or yours, kindly contact Kate who would love to hear from you.

Contact Kate by phone or use the contact form: